Tuesday, February 4, 2014


|[pic] | | | YEAR 2007-2008 Winter 2008 5th period 53-457-05 Small backing Management Coordinator:Brahim Allali self-assurance: 5.267Email: brahim.allali@hec.ca Tel.: 514-340-6367 Guest Lecturer:Alain MeunierEmail: alain-benoit.meunier@hec.ca Secretary:Brigitte Campeau assurance: 5.249Email: brigitte.campeau@hec.ca Tel.: 514-340-6322 Course Description A small demarcation is emphatically non a miniaturized copy of a medium- fully grown refreshed set or even necessarily the first bar on the road to creating one. First, not all SMEs grow into large corporations. some are created with the intention of remaining small, either because their founders precious it that way, or because they operate in a niche that could not be exploited efficiently by a large comp any. Second, the federal agency of the small melodic phrase owner-manager is in no way similar to that of a manager of a large company. Because of the limited surface and resources of a small art, the owner-manager usually finds himself or herself involved in all its operations and activities. This frame is intended primarily for quite a little who already action in or plan to work in a small business as owner-managers or employees, or who are in the process of taking everywhere a family business. It may also be of interest to pile work in larger firms who deal with small business suppliers, sub-contractors or clients, and to consultants who offer professional services to SMEs. The course recreates real-life situations to strengthen students decision-making skills in the area of SME commission. It truly is a fascinating arena! think Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will have grass the most common problems and curr ent challenges facing small business owners;! Understood the requirements for successful small business ownership and way;...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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